Burger Calories Mcdonaldʼs
McDonald’s burgers are iconic, but how many calories do they actually pack? A standard Big Mac contains around 550 calories, while the McDouble has approximately 400 calories.
Understanding burger calories at McDonald’s is crucial for those tracking their dietary intake or seeking healthier choices.
With various options available, it’s important to consider the nutritional differences, especially if you enjoy these burgers as occasional treats.
This guide will help you navigate the calorie content of McDonald’s burgers while keeping your nutrition goals in check.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 Big Mac (225g)
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat | 30 g | 38% |
Saturated Fat | 10 g | 50% |
Trans Fat | 1 g | 5% |
Cholesterol | 80 mg | 27% |
Sodium | 950 mg | 41% |
Total Carbohydrate | 45 g | 16% |
Dietary Fiber | 3 g | 11% |
Total Sugars | 8 g | 16% |
Protein | 25 g | 50% |
Vitamin D | – | 0% |
Calcium | – | 0% |
Iron | – | 8% |
Potassium | – | 6% |
Nutrient Distribution
new IntersectionObserver(e=>e.forEach(c=>{if(c.isIntersecting){new Chart(document.getElementById('nutrientChart').getContext('2d'),{type:'pie',data:{labels:['Protein','Fat','Carbohydrate'],datasets:[{data:[25,30,45],backgroundColor:['#7ba546','#aed879','#80cc2a']}]}});c.target.style.display='block';e.disconnect();}})).observe(document.getElementById('nutrientChart'));
Calorie Burn Time
How long would it take to burn off total calories from 100g of a Big Mac?
McDonald’s burgers can be a part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation. They provide a good source of protein, essential fats, and carbohydrates, but it’s important to consider the calorie content. Enjoy these burgers occasionally while integrating healthier foods to ensure a well-rounded nutritional intake.