McDonald’s Ice Cream Cone Calories
McDonald’s ice cream cones are a popular choice for those seeking a sweet, creamy indulgence.
But how many calories do they actually contain?
In this delicious scoop, you’ll find insightful calorie information, nutritional benefits, and serving size details that can help you make informed choices about this tempting dessert.
An ice cream cone can be a delightful treat when enjoyed in moderation. Let’s uncover the calorie content and essential nutrients packed in this fan-favorite snack.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 ice cream cone (100g)
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat | 6 g | 9% |
Saturated Fat | 4 g | 20% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 30 mg | 10% |
Sodium | 90 mg | 4% |
Total Carbohydrate | 31 g | 11% |
Dietary Fiber | 0 g | 0% |
Total Sugars | 24 g | 48% |
Protein | 3 g | 6% |
Vitamin D | – | 0% |
Calcium | 80 mg | 6% |
Iron | 0.2 mg | 1% |
Potassium | 150 mg | 4% |
Nutrient Distribution
new IntersectionObserver(e=>e.forEach(c=>{if(c.isIntersecting){new Chart(document.getElementById('nutrientChart').getContext('2d'),{type:'pie',data:{labels:['Protein','Fat','Carbohydrate'],datasets:[{data:[3,6,31],backgroundColor:['#7ba546','#aed879','#80cc2a']}]}});'block';e.disconnect();}})).observe(document.getElementById('nutrientChart'));
Calorie Burn Time
How long would it take to burn off total calories from 100g of McDonald’s ice cream cone?
Final Words
A McDonald’s ice cream cone can be a delightful treat, offering a creamy and enjoyable dessert experience. While it contains about 200 calories, it’s essential to appreciate its role within a balanced diet. Pairing it with a nutritious meal can help satisfy your sweet cravings without compromising your overall health goals. When enjoyed in moderation, this treat can be part of a joyful and mindful eating approach.