Calories Of Mcdonaldʼs Medium Fries
The golden, crispy allure of McDonald’s medium fries is hard to resist.
But how many calories come packed in that delicious serving?
A medium portion of fries from McDonald’s contains approximately 320 calories.
Aside from the calories, they deliver essential nutrients – making them a popular choice for many.
Before indulging, it’s wise to know what you’re consuming in this beloved fast food delight.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 medium serving (117g)
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat | 15.0 g | 23% |
Saturated Fat | 1.5 g | 8% |
Trans Fat | 0 g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Sodium | 270 mg | 12% |
Total Carbohydrate | 48 g | 16% |
Dietary Fiber | 4 g | 14% |
Total Sugars | 0 g | 0% |
Protein | 4 g | 8% |
Vitamin D | – | 0% |
Calcium | – | 0% |
Iron | 0.5 mg | 3% |
Potassium | 500 mg | 10% |
Nutrient Distribution
new IntersectionObserver(e=>e.forEach(c=>{if(c.isIntersecting){new Chart(document.getElementById('nutrientChart').getContext('2d'),{type:'pie',data:{labels:['Protein','Fat','Carbohydrate'],datasets:[{data:[8,23,16],backgroundColor:['#7ba546','#aed879','#80cc2a']}]}});'block';e.disconnect();}})).observe(document.getElementById('nutrientChart'));
Calorie Burn Time
How long would it take to burn off total calories from 100g of medium fries?
Final Words
McDonald’s medium fries offer a blend of taste and calories, clocking in at around 320 calories per serving, with a notable amount of fats and carbohydrates. Enjoying them occasionally can fit into a balanced diet, providing a source of energy. Always aim for moderation and complement with nutritious options for a well-rounded meal.